Saturday, August 05, 2006

Vitals - July 30th, August 2nd

IGNITE - Jr. High
Message - "Why I Follow Jesus" by Kurt
Key Points:
1. Jesus always makes room for the LEFTOUT.
2. Jesus always chooses the path of LOVE.
Verses Referenced:
Luke 19:1-7, Luke 15:3-11
Discussion Questions:
1. What can you do this week to make room for someone that is leftout?
2. What is one situation where you can choose to love, to value people, over what the world says might be "cool" or "right"?
Worship led by Stephen Ites and the Ignite band.
Attendance: Total - 62 1st Service: 29 students, 7 leaders 2nd Service: 21 students 5 leaders

42 - High School
Message - "Why I Follow Jesus" by Kurt
Key Points:
1. Jesus always makes room for the LEFTOUT.
2. Jesus always chooses the path of LOVE.
Verses Referenced:
Luke 19:1-7, Luke 15:3-11
Discussion Questions:
1. What can you do this week to make room for someone that is leftout?
2. What is one situation where you can choose to love, to value people, over what the world says might be "cool" or "right"?
3. Who is Jesus according to the Bible, which might be different that you think...
Worship led by Jake Nelson and th 42 band.
Attendance: 25 (20 students, 5 leaders)

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