Sunday, November 19, 2006

Parental Guidance

Attention Parents!

This weekend we are wrapping up our series called "Life 360" with a message called "Life to the Extreme" which is about risk, opportunity and making the most of the life God has called us to live. It is going to be an extremely exciting weekend! We are also giving away the Xbox 360 this weekend! Its going to be awesome!

In the message this weekend, we will be using a clip from the movie "Braveheart" to give a picture of risk. In our youth ministry, specifically in the Spark for Jr. High students, we have an unspoken rule that we will never show a clip from an R rated movie in a weekend service without letting the parents know first. So we are writing here to let you know that we will be showing a clip from "Braveheart" this weekend. The clip will be clean and have no language or violence. If you have any questions about this please feel free to call me at 515.987.9595 ext. 134. Thanks!


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