Wednesday, August 05, 2009

Vitals - August 2nd

The Spark (Jr. High) - August 2nd
Message - "ELEMENTAL - enter" by Kurt
Key Points:
When you start to FOLLOW Jesus, you ENTER a new life.
People can argue with BELIEF. No one can argue with your EXPERIENCE.
Jesus has called ME to INVEST in my friends, and INVITE them to follow Him.
Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Acts 4:18-20
Worship led by: Alex Wolfe and The Spark Band
Total: 97
1st Service: 40 (31 students, 9 leaders)
2nd Service: 67 (57 students, 10 leaders)

4ORTY 2WO (High School) - August 2nd
Message - "ELEMENTAL - enter" by Kurt
Discussion Questions:
"What was the last thing that happened to you that was so exciting that you couldn't wait to tell your friends about it?"
"Why do you think that people decide to start following Jesus?"
Key Points:
When you start to FOLLOW Jesus, you ENTER a new life.
People can argue with BELIEF. No one can argue with your EXPERIENCE.
Jesus has called ME to INVEST in my friends, and INVITE them to follow Him.
Key Verses: 2 Corinthians 5:18-20, Acts 4:18-20
Worship led by: Alex Wolfe and the 4ORTY 2WO Band
Attendance: 57 (49 students, 8 leaders)

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